James McCready
The pandemic has stimulated transformation processes in the financial technology market. In the past year, the industry grew by 97%. Digital Horizon research confirms that customer-centric ecosystem services will take the lead in 2021.
Day - 1 5 Dec
How to manage chaos and achieve ambitious goals by means of product strategy
Day - 1 5 Dec
How in-house B2B products make B2C efficient
Day - 1 5 Dec
Differences in Approaches to the Study of Analysts
Day - 2 6 Dec
PMO office in Spanish: tips and tricks Agile-transformation
Day - 2 6 Dec
Engage the organization in the transformation on remoteness: from team members to the Members of the Board of the Bank
Engage the organization in the transformation on remoteness: from team members to the Members of the Board of the Bank
Day - 2 6 Dec
The Agile People Coach. The Future Role of HR and Managers
Let's talk about how managers, HR professionals, decision-makers, and staff can implement a flexible, streamlined, customer-oriented modern technological companies' mainset, inspiring colleagues and strengthening organizations.